I realize this is a few days late, but so are most things in my life these days.
My husband of 7 years, the most self-less person I know... my children who burst my little heart with each laugh, smile, kiss and snuggle...all our amazing family both the Campbells and the Villegas'...friends, so many wonderful friends...not having to work on Thanksgiving...cold days with a cup of hot coffee and my down comforter...good music and a sound system to listen to it with...downtown Atlanta, especially the playgrounds at Centennial Olympic Park...changing of the seasons...really great neighbors...stable jobs we love, and a new co-worker I adore...a church that gives, and gives, and gives...nativity sets from around the world...books...being outside in all kinds of weather...mail...yoga pants, cotton tees and hoodie zip ups...date nights and family days...Trader Joes...Mrs. D and Mrs. Mali, Jadyn's amazing Pre-K teachers...the Outsiders...heaters...the Sunday crossowrd and comics...health in body and mind...my house...being loved by so many...having freedom...being forgiven.
oh...and turkey of course
Our Delicious Thanksgiving Bird, compliments of the Lehmans and Fresh Market |